The Formulas

This page shows the formulas used in mimo protocol.

Automated Market Making

In each trade, traders trade certain amount of a particular token for certain amount of another token with the price defined by a formula. There is no orderbook and waiting for fulfillment.

Based on the famous AMM equation

Pricing based on the inputs

or in code,

getInputPrice(x, y, dx) = (y * 997 * dx) / (1000 x + 997 dx)

or in code,

getOutputPrice(x, y, dy) = 1000 x * dy / ((y - dy) * 997) + 1

where / in above equations denotes divToInteger, which means divide with rounding to floor of the results.

Price impact


in code,

price impact(x, y, dx) = (1000*x)^2 / (1000*x + 997*dx)^2 - 1
price impact(x, y, dy) = (y - dy)^2 / y^2 - 1

Note that the price impact is always between -1 and 0.

Cross-Trading Price Impact

If there are no direct trading pairs between two tokens, like in V1 where we only support IOTX/token pairs, traders need to use one token, such as IOTX, as a bridge to trade among two tokens.

In this case, the price impact would be

or in code,

price impact = PI1 * PI2 + PI1 + PI2


PI1 is the price impact of first trading pair, such as x to IOTX
PI2 is the price impact of second trading pair, such as IOTX to y

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